Today was a bad day.
Just reached my work place and was told off by a customer.
She came, An AUNTIE with her daughter, when i was tying up my hair, and gave me a 'why are u making me wait' look. So i quickly tie up my hair, grab my mask and glove and went over.
Then she said, ' Can u wash ur hands first before u touch the ice cream?'
-.-... Ok... My fault.
So she ordered an ice cream cone, den said she's gonna get a 500ml tub. But she'll drive her daughter to the tuition first and go a big round(i have no idea why she said that) and come back to collect the ice cream. So ok... And she went off. I wanted to ask if she could pay up first, including the cone she got for her daughter. But didn't really dared to since, -.-.. i got told off.
So i trust that she'll be back.
....... BUT SHE DIDN'T!!!!!!
BLOODY HELL!! I got cheated of $3.50. And i still have to scoop out the ice crem from the tub that she ordered.
I am so bloody pissed!
I was still worrying if i got the flavours she wanted. Zzz
I've learnt my lesson and wont make the same mistake again.
Went to fish with Lionel at bedok jetty on Tuesday. Woke up around 7.30am!
It was... our 3rd time fishing. He said is gonna do fishing as his NYAA. So most likely I'll be going to the beach more often, if he were to want me to acc him.
I took some pictures.

It's a sunny day.

I'm not being cocky. The hat was blocking my view.
It drizzle for a while, so we went to a pavilion and started cooking.

Well, while opening the hot dog can with his Swiss army?
he said something like, '' See, where can u find a bf who can do these.'' -.-.. And wanted me to take a shot of him opening the can.

Caught 2 fishes/bait, at 1 go!
So after that, it rained again, and this time it's super heavy. Got drenched on the way back.
And ended the day by going to the doc to get MC for stupid guy for his work.
Yap... it was fun.
And on wed, 9 April, met up with my sec. sch friends to celebrate LJ and belated HS birthday.
Spent the day at AMK hub wondering around before everyone was present.
Initial plan was to eat and watch a show, but we only had dinner, at the porridge steamboat. It was not bad. But the day ended real early.
So Lisi gave me quite a few stuff from china, one of it was a stamp? Ink stamp?
Hahaha with my name engraved on it. It's really Chinese.
So that's abt it... -.-.. Still got work tomorrow. Sian..
And schools starting in 2 days time. S H I T.